May 06
3:00 pm
My 5 year old son has picked up me and my husband's love of video games and is currently obsessed with Pikmin. A little too obsessed if you ask me. We recently went on a family vacation to Disneyland and he kept commenting on how he wanted to go home and play Pikmin. What kind of child would rather play a video game than be at Disneyland? Mine I guess, ha ha ha.

I wanted to make him something that he could play with and not be as glued to the game as he constantly wants to be. Rather than making up a pattern myself, I decided to see what options there were and I came across this lovely pattern set on Etsy. It was very easy to follow and included directions for the main 3 Pikmin. With a little alteration I made a slightly chubbier one for the purple Pikmin so each of my kids could have two to play with. They absolutely love their new Pikmin!